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squirt for me quick!

Paige certainly looks fine on this summer day, and inspires cuckold-style fantasies as she gets ready to go for a spin in a Porsche. Her curvy 38F-27-36 figure barely confined by the tight black halter and blue denim mini, she teases us with her cleavage as she moves around the car. If only she were a standard feature and not an option in all our horny breastmen s lives!! Her red tresses tumbling down along her chesty valley, she smiles, her eyes inviting us to take a mental spin in the beautiful machine before us...her rack, that is, not the Porsche!Her legs and feet look as sexy as her bosom as she moves around the vehicle, her toes peeping out of her extremely high slingback heels. Then finally Paige gets into the Porsche, to be taken for a ride by a mysterious guy in black shades. Her fuck buddy? Her regular stud or bull? But she knows what we’ve been waiting to see, and she’s not going to be a total meanie. Through the windshield, we see her flash her titties. Oh, look at those big boobs! She knows we want to suck them, but she has places to go...and a cock to fuck! But she takes off her top and lets us see her naked titties, even getting out of the car to give us a complete look. She doesn’t have much longer to linger though, so we better stroke ourselves off quickly before she zooms away with her bull to get boffed in her box and creamed on those cantaloupes!!

  • 00:12:10
  • Aug 05, 2012
  • 214


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