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get acquainted with her crotch!

New face Cayenne Klein is indeed as hot and spicy as her first name implies--taken as it is from chili pepper powder! Showing us her stuff today, Cayenne is already completely naked on satin sheets, getting down on her knees and pushing her butt up in the air, spreading her cheeks so we can poke our horny faces close to her big pussy slot. She quickly slides her French-manicured fingers into her hole, then lays on her back to present us with a bright view of her lusty pinkness. Cayenne writhes around on the bed, pulling herself apart so we can see every millimeter of her rosebud even as she penetrates herself over and over in her snatch with her digits. Looking at us with her big eyes, she licks her fingers and then lifts her torso up from the bed as she continues to diddle. Shes angled for a solid fucking, and maybe shes imagining exactly that as the cameras capture her passion and arousal! Youll be fully acquainted with her sultry face, taut body, and carnal crotch once you get to

  • 00:09:15
  • Aug 10, 2012
  • 239


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