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the sac sizzler of serbia!

Cherry Kiss is a newcomer to DDF from Serbia, where she s been heating up the industry and blazing a trail for herself, and she s about to sizzle your sacs with her sex appeal! Posing for us in a flirty black lace skirt and white top that shows her bra peeking through, she quickly slides aside her duds so we can study her cleavage and butt crack. Taking down her bra and thong, she lets us enjoy her pale nipples and shaved pussy. Then she pulls up her thong again, preferring to tease us a little more before sliding the fabric aside and rubbing her pie with her fingers, which have a multi-colored manicure.Cherry definitely looks her most exciting when the lingerie comes off, and one of the best shots is where she’s looking over her shoulder at us, giving us a nice sideboob view as well as the opportunity to gaze at her sensuous back. Sitting down on the floor, she spreads her lips to demonstrate how the color of her cunny goes so well with her purple and hot pink manicure, and then she gives a big sniff to her discarded panties. Laying back on the floor, she shows off her legs and plays with her pussy some more before standing in a doorway and smiling goodbye.

  • 00:31:53
  • Aug 22, 2012
  • 247


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