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a wand named desire!

Tegan Jane from the United Kingdom starts off our week with a sensual bang as she stretches out on a bed to play with her erotic vibrating wand! Showing off her alluring body in a red and black lace bustier, thong, black thigh highs and heels, Tegan rolls around giving us nice views of her shape until finally she peels down the zipper in the front of her lingerie to let us see those exciting 34C titties with their already legendary nipples! If you haven’t spent some quality time contemplating Tegan’s ta-tas, my friend, do so post-haste!! She then takes out her electric wand, actually named “Desire,” and rubs its throbbing head against her boobs, as well as on her pussy through her panties; then she tugs aside the fabric to let the full force of Desire thrum on her pink shaver. But a gal’s got to take down her underpants so she can open her legs wide enough to enjoy the full strength of this marvelous device, which Tegan does especially as she crouches on her knees on the bed, her wonderfully suckable nipples quivering above as her body races toward orgasm. Don t miss this sexy show!

  • 00:18:23
  • Aug 26, 2012
  • 154


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