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from books to blowjobs!

It’s been a long hard day, and the best way to get the relaxation you need is through your cock! Angelica Heart is more than happy to put aside the book she’s been reading and assist you in feeling better in this point-of-view suck-a-thon. Licking your shaft through the fabric of your shorts, she primes you well even before her wonderfully pouty lips actually touch your johnson. You stand on the bed so that she can attend to your shaft better. Looking up at you with that uniquely mischievous Heart face, Angelica slips off her bra. It lays on the bed and keeps your soon-discarded shorts company. Angelica licks and jacks your meat, and you can’t help but groan in pleasure! You lay back on the bed briefly so that Angelica can bend over you and blow. Oh how gorgeous she looks with long lashes over those green eyes as she pumps and worships your root! She spits on your rod, making it glisten even more, and toys with your dick with her sexy, colorfully manicured fingers. You can’t help but fondle her sweet titties a little too. Angelica keeps sucking and stroking until finally the need to spurt on her prettiness is so urgent, and you spray a huge explosion of sperm all over her lips, her face, and even her hair. “That was super!” you tell her before hurrying off to take a shower--your final words the understatement of the year!!

  • 00:10:11
  • Sep 11, 2012
  • 177


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