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heavenly teen masturbation!

You’re going to think you must’ve died and gone to heaven, when you see Russian cutie Angelica (aka Abby), her tight teen body, and milky skin. She’s a picture of pure innocence wearing a white flowing sheer blouse over a teeny tiny white bra, pink panties covering her cute little ass, and white socks for her lickably sweet feet. She starts to run her hands along her body, turning herself on, getting the juices flowing, and when she puts her hands down between her thighs she finds herself indeed dripping wet. Oh to be able to taste her nectar! She does just that and licks her fingers clean. Innocence turns to naughty when she takes off her clothes, revealing small perky tits and a wonderfully clean shaved pussy. Naughty turns to nasty when she brings out a little toy to assist her masturbation, taking both you and her to higher heights!

  • 00:18:32
  • Sep 20, 2012
  • 329


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