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her gusto for fellatio!

Lea Lexis wants to go to the carnival, and you re going to take her. She’s all ready with an exotic mask to wear. But first she’s going to give you a blowjob in this point-of-view thriller! You watch as she plays with her 36C tits and takes down your shorts, then puts her heart and soul into jacking and blowing you. You study Lea’s long eyelashes as she holds your shaft and sucks your balls. This babe can really take it deep! You marvel at her skillful two-handed stroking; she really brings a lot of gusto to her fellatio! You ask her to spit on your cock and she says with a smile, “You want a nasty girl?” and then she rockets the spittle out onto your prick. Yes, you want a nasty girl and Lea is filling the bill to a T! That’s T for tongue and for the Tool that she Tastes as it slides into her face over and over again. You feel her tits, and then she gives you a little cleavage fucking too! Miss Lexis has gusto to spare! You tap her with your dick, and then Lea starts jacking you faster and faster, her tongue extended like a little shelf under your tip. Jack and suck, jack and suck...your moans and groans fill the air until finally you can’t hold back anymore because Lea just won’t stop tugging you until you spray all over her mouth and chin. Then, once you’re drained, she reaches for her mask. It’s time to take her to the carnival! This girl’s gusto knows no bounds!

  • 00:09:51
  • Sep 25, 2012
  • 151


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