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you give her the goo!

That exotic-looking Romanian babe Samy Omidee is here to suck your dick today, you lucky man! Yes, it’s point-of-view blowjob time, and you first approach Samy and see her flowery pussy in crotchless panties. That’s enough to stiffen your stalk, but she then completely takes down her purple teddy, her big dark eyes and lush lips a temptation you’re aching to experience with a few inches of your dick crammed down her throat. She lays back, plays with her pussy, then leans over and takes your prick in her hand and starts jacking. Wow, does she ever take you deep into her face! She spits on your cock, and what a gooey mess she makes with her saliva all over your shaft right down to your nuts! She sucks your balls, this wild-looking chick with the pierced right eyebrow. The room is filled with a symphony of “oohs” and “ahhs,” many from your own mouth! Her head bobbing on your dingus, she even shakes her noggin back and forth in a unique move, like she s stirring her saliva with your cock. She strokes, she throats, she spits, and she tugs and sucks your happy balls. Then she gives you a little tit-fucking. “I like it!” she says. “So exciting!” “Look at me, baby,” you reply, and then she kneels and masturbates while you pull on your johnson. She sucks your sac some more, then leans back and kneels as you jerk off on her face, eyes, and sweet torso. Wow, do you ever spurt a big load! “I missed the mouth, sorry,” you say, but she doesn’t look sorry about anything as, her face and form glistening with your cream, she kisses the camera lens a gooey goodbye!

  • 00:17:48
  • Oct 02, 2012
  • 174


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