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kinky in the drink!

Get ready for this: Danika from the Philippines and Subil Arch from Russia have a pantyhose-covered clinch in the swimming pool! Watch as these two honeys kiss and lick each other while getting their nylon-covered legs drenched in the drink! At first theyre wearing shorts or skirt over the pantyhose, but those quickly come down. Then they go to town enjoying each others crotches through the nylon. Subil licks Danikas feet, and Danika returns the favor as they crouch in the H2O. Danika takes a lot of Subils size 6.5 toes into her mouth. Denys DeFrancesco and crews capture many angles on the girls as they enjoy their kinky activity. Leaning on the steps of the pool, the ladies get into a foot-69, licking each others toes through the stretchy fabric. They twist and turn in the water, both of them even licking on Subils right foot at the same time: Danika on the heel, Subil on her own toes.Cunny fun through the pantyhose follows, and the tights finally come down so they can go for th

  • 00:28:02
  • Oct 15, 2012
  • 206


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