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pointing toes and titties!

Foot and teen fetish lovers unite! Hungarian newcomer Monika Kerr has a tight teen-like body and she knows how to showcase her mile-long legs to keep all your tongues wagging. The cameras quickly focus on her pointy black heels, as if straining to see what they’re covering up within. The brunette babe removes her shoes and catwalks sexily across the floor, pausing every now and then for effect, pointing and flexing her feet. She continues her sway as she removes her jeans, coming up front to give us another foot encounter, and then sways again as she removes her panties. Kicking them to the side, Monika sits down, removes her top to reveal her nipples at full attention, and rubs her legs up and down slowly and sensually. Bringing her toes up to her mouth, she gives them a good licking and sucking, just as you could imagine she would a hard cock. She spreads her legs open wide to splay her trimmed pussy, and bends forward so we can see all holes from behind, but the camera loves those stems of hers!

  • 00:06:08
  • Oct 23, 2012
  • 135


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