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34dd’s got some legs too!

Long time DDF fans might remember Czech hottie Sabina with her 34DD’s and pierced clit. This tall blonde babe also has super sexy legs and we thought we’d bring her casting video out of the archives for you foot fetish lovers. She comes in wearing some big platform boots to add even extra length to her height and more attention to her gams. You can just imagine her putting her boot in front of your face, commanding you to lick them. And when she removes them and wiggles her toes, you can just imagine sucking them, too. When her jeans come off, the focus is fully on her long stems, with some good shots of her gigantic tits, trimmed pussy, and ass in there for the rest of you fans.

  • 00:04:05
  • Oct 30, 2012
  • 105


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