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bringing herself to bliss!

Clara G. from Romania is an excellent opener to our week! This 34D-23-34 beauty has MILF appeal to spare! As she looks into our eyes while peeling down her orange top and bottom, we know that’s she got the kind of sexperience that will take us on a wild ride with her mouthwatering body. She presents her delightful derriere to us so that we may dream of sniffing and licking it; her delectable tits for us to admire and crave; and even her amazing armpits, for those who want to worship every last alluring inch of her goddesshood! By the time she opens her thighs and spreads her pussy, our enslavement is just about complete, and she further tantalizes our aching sacs by sucking a huge purple vibrator and cramming it inside her luscious core. The expression on her face as the buzzy toy brings her to bliss is truly something to behold, and will make us wish all the harder to want to jump into the scene and satisfy her snatch in any way that she demands!!

  • 00:32:21
  • Nov 04, 2012
  • 217


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