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taking turns with titties: lesbians bumpin boobs

Jelena Jensen and her 38Fs and Sensual Jane and her 36DDs enjoy each other s company on a lovely day in the garden. The lesbians both look really sexy in their summer attire, but they quickly get down to the basics as they pull aside those jeans shorts to get further acquainted with their luscious bodies.The ladies look right into our eyes during the titty play, alerting us to the fact that they know we’re going to be staring and drooling and stroking and squirting to their every horny move. They squeeze their knockers together while lapping at their shaved pussies leaving us lusting over the lingerie covered lovers. You’ll need a scorecard to keep track of how many times the girls switch their positions back and forth, taking turns pleasuring each other s shaved pussies. Excitement really bursts out of this hot new FULLHD porn scene!

  • 00:24:08
  • Nov 06, 2012
  • 348


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