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when pornstars play with their pink

When I’m left alone in my bedroom, I have no choice but to do what I love to do when I’m solo, and that’s playing with myself like the porn star that I am! I just love the feel of my own skin, and will take every chance I can to run my hands sensually all over my body, stopping at the areas most sensitive to get my juices flowing. For fans of my fine ass, I spend extra time rubbing and squeezing my derriere. I take off my bra, slide it between my legs erotically, and take off my jean skirt, so my fingers can get to my luscious shaved pussy, first with my panties pulled to the side, and then finally with them off so I have free range to rub and slap my clit silly. I just love the look of my long French manicured nails against my pink. It’s art at its best! And you will think so too as you see my fingers rub my nub in doggy and then down on my side continuously, until I reach the point of absolute ecstasy. A true masterpiece!

  • 00:13:11
  • Nov 09, 2012
  • 195


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