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teasing is her game!

Lauren seems interested in playing a game of pool...or does she? Perhaps teasing is more her game. The Czech lovely poses in her lacy red and black lingerie and fishnet stockings in a billiard room, showing us her long legs and and that firm butt barely covered by the wispy thong. Ultimately she puts the cue stick aside to concentrate on peeling out of her scanties, slipping down her bra to show those 34C titties, then turning around, squeezing her cheeks, and lowering her thong until we can see revealed in all its allure her pussy and asshole. She squats next to the table and spreads her cunny, giving us a friendly smile that invites us to come closer...which of course our DDF cameras do! You’ll see her pinkness ready for licking, fingering, and fucking, and then Lauren lays across the table so she can showcase her bottom and pussy even more vividly to our ready imagination and stiffening shafts! Enjoy the warm sexy glow of this new scene as Lauren shows us all.

  • 00:20:55
  • Nov 14, 2012
  • 185


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