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bring on the black stallion dildos!

Weve teamed up sultry redhead Leila Smith with wholesome blonde cutie Tracy today for their first lesbian set together. We come across the two babes having a drink in the livingroom, dressed ready to go out on the town in sexy dresses and black heels. They speak in Czech, but not to worry, theres no need for translation because they look and sound hot regardless, and it doesnt take long for Tracy to move in closer to Leila for a kiss. They reach hungrily for each others breasts, and honestly nobody else has ever made small titties look so good ! Leilas cute little button nips and Tracys larger hard areolas are both so adorable and suckable! Their shaved pussies then come into the spotlight as Tracy goes down on Leila. Dont miss the great close-up shots of Tracys tongue slowly tracing circles around Leilas clit! Tracys pink is next to get some attention when she gets into doggy on the chair with her round butt high in the air and Leila fingers her from behind. Fingers are clea

  • 00:29:29
  • Nov 16, 2012
  • 179


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