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victoria blaze is blazing hot!

Victoria Blaze came blazing through our doors over a year ago and has been quite the sensation from the get go with her luxurious long black hair, cat-like grey eyes, and look of naughty innocence. The Czech babe comes in for her casting in casual attire, as if she just came back from a day sunbathing at the beach, in a bright pink tanktop, jean shorts, and flip flops. She tells us that she likes to show off her body. Well then she’s definitely at the right place! She then says she likes oral sex and only wants to be with girls. Even better! And you can see just how much she’s into lesbian lovin in some really hot Euro Girls On Girls sets, as well as Hands On Hardcore and Hot Legs and Feet. Victoria strips down to her black lingerie, pausing to let us revel in her beautifully tanned body for a bit before getting fully naked. Sitting back on the couch she spreads her legs to give us a better look at her shaved pussy and opens up her pink with her French manicured nails to take us even further. Getting into her favorite position, doggy, she glances back at the camera with “Come fuck me” eyes and she pulls her ass cheek to the side. Any volunteers?

  • 00:05:14
  • Nov 18, 2012
  • 445


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