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riding her pussy rocket!

Madlin looks super-smart and sassy in her sexy specs, but she’s not going to start laying any intellectual raps on us today! No sir this Hungarian beauty has only teasing and pleasing in mind. Stretching out on the couch in her blue miniskirt, with her shapely legs in light purple suede pumps that really lend her a pinup girl aura, Madlin shows us her shaver underneath her lacy lavender panties, and lets us ogle her 36A titties too. Then she takes out a purple plastic pussy rocket and slides it into her slit, her lush warm thighs surrounding it. Occasionally she looks over the top of her glasses, no doubt to assure herself that we’re stroking ourselves attentively at her every move! ;) Then she stands up and gives us great bend-over views of her meaty moons. Squatting on the couch again, she peels her top and panties and skirt, and we can pretty much see everything she’s got to show. She keeps that toy buzzin’ in her box until she slides it up to her clit, and has a juicy orgasm right in front of our eyes. You can inspect the evidence as she shows you her pink wet pussy in huge closeups at the end!

  • 00:33:42
  • Nov 27, 2012
  • 201


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