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pressure’s on full blast!

Fellow Czech sexpots Baby Nicole and Leila Smith don’t waste even a second in the bath as they start right in on kissing each other in a lesbian makeout session hot enough to turn the place into a steam room! It’s been awhile since we’ve seen Baby Nicole, so she must be extra horny and ready to go, or maybe it was the sizzling shower scene she saw Leila do last week for 1By-Day. They go quickly from lip on lips, to mouths on nipples, moving on down to tongues on pussies. The contrast of redheaded Leila’s milky white skin and shaved pussy against the raven-haired Baby Nicole’s tanned skin and nicely trimmed bush make the close-ups look oh so good! And when they bring out the vibrator and you see the contrast of its white head as it enters their pinks even better! The girls turn on the water and use its wide stream to add pressure to their play. Leila puts her legs up and over the opening so that her snatch gets the full on blast of the waterfall, taking her quickly to an orgasm, leaving her breathless and hanging in Baby Nicole’s arms.

  • 00:25:37
  • Dec 14, 2012
  • 153


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