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easily earns our adoration!

That hottie from the United Kingdom, Lexi Lowe, looks stunning in her green satin bustier, garters, black fishnets, and beige sling-back heels. Frankly, she looks like a movie star, and really glamorous! And as the camera moves around her, capturing her cleavage in its generous glory, she smiles as if inviting us not to hesitate, but to take out our cocks right away to start stroking. She KNOWS we need to do it! Lexi teases with her gorgeous gams as our DDF cameraman captures images that are a combination of classic pinup beauty and modern explicit heat! Yes, Lexi goes from posing like a calendar girl to spreading her pink pussy wide. When her bustier comes off, she smiles as the camera shoots upward in a worshipful low angle, capturing the splendor of her 36D beauties, which she pushes toward us with her upper arms. Lexi shows us her cheeks and butthole, too, and then she sits back and fingers her delectable quim. Shes easily earned our drooling adoration, and lets make her Model of

  • 00:27:12
  • Dec 28, 2012
  • 264


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