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meat me in the bathroom!

The stunning Clara G. meets and greets us in a bathroom, half out of her robe which she quickly doffs to engage in some masturbation while sitting on the side of the tub. Caressing her 34D-23-34 Romanian body, she squats on the floor and fingers her twat deeply. Kneeling on a towel, she sticks her ass in the air, curling her bare size 7.5 feet at us too as she continues her self-fucking. Next she gets in a tub of water to cool off, but she can’t stop the fingering, sliding her dark-polished digits into her smooth-shaven pie as she leans back against the wall. As our lenses come in really tight, she pulls apart her cunny until we can see deeply into the pink cave she carries between her legs. Then she lays back on a towel on the floor, lifts up her legs, and pulls apart her cheeks so we can imagine getting down on the tiles with her, licking and sucking and fucking that hot hole until the bathroom echoes with her moans and groans of ecstasy!

  • 00:20:18
  • Jan 11, 2013
  • 202


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