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hungers will be satisfied!

When Ulrika sees what she craves, something dark and stiff, she doesn’t hesitate to get it; she has fantasies to fulfill, and Kid Jamaica possesses the lengthy qualifications! And so she moves over to where he stands on a high ladder, working, and this sweetheart from the Czech Republic takes out his thick shaft which looks so delicious that she immediately licks it with her hungry tongue and wraps it between her eager lips. Watch this slender, blue-eyed, "girl next door" type blonde indulge herself as Ulrika stands on her tippy-toes while Kid Jamaica hovers above and supervises her throating of his massive meat. She kneels when he comes down off the ladder, and she worshipfully holds his shaft and licks and sucks his balls; taking so much in, even more when he stretches out on the floor so she can lean over him and wildly suck the kind of huge prick she’s always dreamed of! By the time he lays her backward and powers downward into her face to cream her mouth, you too will explode!

  • 00:19:50
  • Jan 20, 2013
  • 240


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