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toasting your tool!

Your new girlfriend Szelly is going to make you a fine breakfast. But damn, did she have to keep on that impossibly sexy shortie nightie and matching panties, the same things she wore last night when you fucked her brains out? Guess she’s not quite ready to toast your muffins yet! No, she’s far more interested in toasting your tool once more, getting it burning hot as she shows you her boobs and then getting it stiffer when she gets down on her knees to take your gristle between her lips. She barely gives herself time to strip, this horny firecracker, but she allows you and your meat a moment to breathe as she gets up on the table for a little more tease before returning to her knees, where she tugs on your inches, plays peekaboo with your foreskin, and commits herself to wild and vigorous sucking that will get you blowing a big mess in her mouth. But you’re not cruel--you know how much she likes to suck, so you hold back your load for as long as possible, giving her plenty of time to practice her stunning craft before taking the spunk on her lips. Then it’s onto a second breakfast for Szelly, having already filled up on your protein as her first!

  • 00:16:47
  • Jan 29, 2013
  • 128


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