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ever so inviting!

Lovely Sara Willis from the United Kingdom pays us a welcome visit today, and wait until you see how beautifully she’s outfitted! She just looks ever so inviting in a matching bra and panty set of red and black lace. She’s got sheer black thigh stockings as well, and it all adds up to a splendid package of teasing womanhood as Sara tempts us with her 32H tits in the bra for a good long while, both leaning over us and laying across the bed, before finally unveiling her big beige nipples which she licks with her pink tongue sliding out of her red-lipsticked mouth. Miss Willis squeezes her squachies together with her fists, making a big loaf of love flesh for us and pressing it toward our eyes with her red-polished fingers; then she lays back on the bed, peels down her panties over those nylon gams, and then tugs her nipples up. Stretching out on her stomach, she gives us more cleavage views, and then kneeling, she lets her bells hang down and sway for our pleasure. Finally she stands against a mirror and gives us a double view of her delectability so we can bring ourselves to a creamy climax of admiration while she watches us with a warm, understanding smile! She knows we need to nut for her knobs!

  • 00:19:42
  • Feb 07, 2013
  • 283


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