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depths of hidden desires!

What can we tell about a woman from her shoes? These days many shoes are so complex with straps and other details that they don’t just protect and uplift a woman’s feet, but they may project a hint of what she’s like inside. When we first see Mira Sunset, in our featured spotlight, she s wearing purple strappy sandals with striped over-the-knee socks. She has a mysterious expression, so it’s hard to know from her face what she’s like, but those shoes and socks give the impression of hidden depths of kinky desires! Mira teases us with her socked feet once she gets out of those shoes, showing off her body too in blue denim cut-offs. After teasing us a good long time in those socks, she takes them off to reveal her magnificent nude feet with purple-polished toes and very pronounced arches. Yes, it’s when her feet are bare that her hidden kink side comes out, which was only alluded to by the shoes. You’ll enjoy it as she reveals in her pix and Full HD video her yen for toe teasing, toe pointing, toe sucking, and then playing with her pussy while sticking all ten of her wiggly toes in our faces!

  • 00:26:27
  • Feb 13, 2013
  • 228


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