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she s our valentine!

The four-poster bed has a certain aura of comfort that other beds don’t share. And that’s why Lauren was particularly pleased when she showed up for her new scene on Valentine’s Day no less, to discover she was going to pose in such a bed! And she’s outfitted just like anybody could hope from a girl in the Valentine’s Day spirit, in pink and black frilly lingerie complete with a ribbon on the side of her panties, presenting her like the perfect present for a man! Lauren is barefoot too, another nice bonus as we get to see her pretty soles and dark polished toenails. She teases us with her panty crotch, shows us her butt, and takes off her bra to display her sweet 34C boobies. Soon enough she tugs the fabric aside to penetrate her clam with her restless fingers, complete with deep purple nail polish. She slides off her underpants and really goes to town on her twat, kneeling on the bed or posing on the window sill for a change of pace, giving us a tempting show that’s one hot Valentine gift in itself!

  • 00:18:44
  • Feb 13, 2013
  • 173


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