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sassy with a capital s!

Today we bring you a casting of a brand spanking new porn star to be from the UK, Ava Dalush. The brown-haired beauty with big brown-eyes, has an innocent look about her, but of course you know she isn’t so with her sassy outfit and attitude. Dressed in a sporty tank, jeans, and sneakers, she wiggles her ass for us as she peels her bottoms down to her little black panties. It’s constant entertainment with Ava, like she’s doing a musical number for us: she puts her legs up in the air and sings a song while pretending to ride a bicycle, her striped socks still on, and she hums and sways her body as she strips naked. She laughs at the thought of being flexible enough to put her feet up to her mouth, but she gives it a shot and succeeds! She jumps up and down on the couch like a little kid before finally getting into porn star mode, putting her ass in the air and showing us her pretty trimmed pussy. Where will her sass take her next? Stay tuned and find out!

  • 00:04:59
  • Feb 14, 2013
  • 193


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