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wicked, wonderful and wanton!

We wonder what scientists would find if they did research on the desires of women minute-to-minute through the day. Would they be concerned with work, family, food, fashion? Or would they perhaps be like wonderfully wanton Nataly, the Czech babe who seems to have cock on the brain minute-to-minute, judging by the way she zeroes in on Alex’s meat from the git-go in this scene? She pulls out his prick from his jeans and scarfs it fast, and even when he momentarily manages to sit up so he can start taking off her clothing, she gets him back in position so she can replace his rod in her mouth pronto. As she sits on his face, she looks at us and continues to blow his dick, then moving aside his shaft with her beautifully manicured fingers so she can enjoy his balls too with her busy tongue. He squats over her face so she can look up to lap at his nuts, and then she gets back to work blowing him while focusing those sexy green peepers on us. Needless to say, a hot girl like this, focused minute-by-minute on meat, earns a big load all over her tongue, lips, and chin. Then she savors it, rubbing the gooey tribute all over her right 34B tittie. What a wicked smile she has at the end--what is going through her head??

  • 00:18:26
  • Mar 03, 2013
  • 225


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