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book lover shows bosom!

If you believe everything you read online, you d get the impression that people no longer like to read books, preferring instead to get their written pleasures from the screens of smartphones, iPads, and even good old-fashioned computers. But we have the proof that paperbound volumes and their admirers are still continuing their centuries-old love affair with each other, as British beauty Victoria Summers cozies up with a paperback on her bed. Luckily for our purposes, however, she is easily persuaded to put aside the volume and tease us instead, letting us peek at her deep cleavage in her orange sleeveless top until she finally decides to reveal the remarkably big and chewy nipples that she is becoming well-known for. You’ll love the low angle shots where she looms over you with her twin nude planets hovering above. Miss Summers quickly takes off her gray cotton panties, then licks her fingers hard so that she can cram those digits into her pierced pussy lips. But she clearly wants even more thrills, so out comes a slender lavender toy to thrum against her clit when it’s not nestled in her pussy or against her nips.

  • 00:34:57
  • Mar 05, 2013
  • 248


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