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stimulating big messes!

Nerdy Rico Simons is just trying to read a good book when his more worldly pal, Choky Ice, drops by his house with a special surprise that Choky figures will help bring Rico out of his shell. The surprise is Leyla Black, a lap dancer Choky met at a local club, and she puts her butt down on Rico’s lap and soon he’s laying his tome aside to check out her ass in her black jeans. She pulls out Rico’s meat for sucking and is delighted by its length--yes, even nerds can be hung! Of course she doesn’t forget about Choky, who’s responsible for this whole situation. She gets his cock in her hand too, moving back and forth between the buddies’ boners, licking them with her pierced tongue. Choky gets her clothes off and licks and fingers her pussy while she keeps on blowing Rico, and then she switches and throats Choky while Rico explores her pink pie with his hand. Rico then moves into position so Leyla can more easily go back and forth between Choky’s prick and Rico’s rod without having to strain her back and end up having to make an appointment at the chiropractor! The ambitious girl tries to cram both cocks into her mouth at the same time, then turns upside down while Choky plays with her clam and she keeps on sucking them both. It all ends with lotsa cream all over her mouth and chin--one of the messiest messes we’ve seen here in some time! And all that glop puts a big grin on Leyla’s face!!

  • 00:24:12
  • Mar 07, 2013
  • 248


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