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submissive banana cram!

All you BDSM fetish fans of mine are going to love today s set because I take on the dominatrix role over the beautiful Czech blonde babe, my devoted friend and submissive servant, Francesca Felucci. Watch us get into some hot lesbian action as I assert my power over Francesca, starting things off by putting a collar around her neck so that she knows she s mine. I then finger her while giving her a good whipping and make her taste herself.Francesca tells me she loves me and I have her prove it to me by licking my ass with her lovely pierced tongue. You don t want to miss the close-ups of her French manicured nails pulling my butt cheeks apart so she can get her tongue deep in there!When I think she s ready to get fucked, I bring out a strap-on and after thrusting it into her shaved slit, have her suck her juices again off of the rubber dildo. Finally, I ask her if she s hungry and cram a banana into her swollen and sopping pussy, and leave her with neither her hunger nor her libido con

  • 00:18:38
  • Apr 05, 2013
  • 254


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