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stuffing in the sauna!

Today we bring you pussy and ass licking glamour porn at its finest! Set in a wet and steamy sauna, blonde babes Sophia Knight and Kathia Nobili really turn up the heat! Being the forward British gal, Sophia makes a move on the seemingly more shy Kathia from the Czech Republic. They start with some sexy kisses and it’s not long before their bikinis come off and Sophia has Kathia tit rubbing, lapping up her trimmed pussy while she masturbates, and licking her puckered asshole from behind. Sophia also gets down eating Kathia’s juicy love box, but goes a step hardcore bringing out a wooden ladle for some anal insertions. With Kathia on her back, legs straight up in the air, Sophia pumps the new found sex toy in and out of her ass. Then to add some more pussy licking to the action, Kathia stands over the ladle and moves herself up and down atop it, while Sophia tongues her pink and stuffs her some more.They finally take each other to a raging orgasm with Kathia toeing Sophia’s clit and Sophia gaping Kathia’s ass. You’ll definitely want to download this lesbian xxx video in Full HD and not miss a single minute!

  • 00:30:40
  • Apr 16, 2013
  • 361


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