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gets our glands going!

One of our top faves around here, Shione Cooper from the Czech Republic, returns today and that’s news we like to hear! Holding her big pink handbag and posing in her blue low-cut blouse and tight black miniskirt, Shione gives us lots of cleavage teasing with those 36DD beauties, then in her lacy black and pink boulder-holder. Next she takes those jumbos out of their cups and we can study her huge nipples as she squeezes her melons together, moves around in different positions on a red couch, and crams her snatch with a vibrator. You’ll almost feel the warmth of her lusty curvy body and especially those big natural boobs in these hot nude pics and latest Full HD video. And that grey-eyed smile over that wondrous rack gets our glands going every time! Shione’s our Model of the Day.

  • 00:30:47
  • May 02, 2013
  • 464


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