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vivacious newcomer

Today we welcome to our site the vivacious Tiffany Kingston from the United Kingdom! She licks her overflowing cleavage in her low-cut pale blue top, then hefts her hooters in her red-polished fingertips as she shows off her lacy bra. Tiff kneels on the carpet and pulls out her beautiful knobs even as she rubs her pussy. Standing up again, she poses against the wall as she sheds more of her clothes, giving us sultry looks as she lifts her arms and presents her boobage to our hungering eyes! Even as she displays her naked nummies and plays with her incredibly pink quim, Tiff gives us great views of the beautiful tattoo of a sea creature which seems to swim across her tummy. As she tantalizes us with her juggs, Tiffany pouts her lips to make us stroke like crazy!

  • 00:13:01
  • May 26, 2013
  • 203


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