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sucking away stress

You’ve had a rough night--what a bad dream! Horrible and frightening animals were hunting you! It’s not the first time you’ve had a scary dream like that, and you wish you could forget it. Fortunately, your life is not just made up of bad dreams, but good dreams--dreams cum true, that is, like your lady friend Charlyse Bella with whom you shared your bed last night and your morning now in front of the bathroom mirror. She is sympathetic to your stress and suggests a blowjob, and once your prick is in her talented mouth, moving back and forth over her tongue and getting even more excited by the sight of her sexy titties and tush, your stress from the nightmare recedes. Yes, with every string of saliva that connects your cocktip to Charlyse’s mouth, your fear fades, and what’s even better is that Charlyse says you should call her the next time you have a bad dream and she’ll give you ANOTHER blowjob! It sure beats going to a shrink, no? See it all in this POV video!

  • 00:14:58
  • Jun 11, 2013
  • 171


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