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stem-tastic stunner

On checking her model’s bio, we were startled to learn that Mira from the Czech Republic is only 5’5”. With those amazing long legs, we thought she was at least six feet tall! Check out this stem-tastic stunner today and you will see what we mean as Mira peels out of her girlie pink top and blue denim cut-offs to display her luscious form in a matching gray-and-pink bra and thong. She gives us a mouthwatering show as she takes off those scanties too so we can ogle her 32B titties and sweet shaved snatch. Our favorite shots are when she’s in the doggie style position, plumping up her bottom and showing off those gams and feet in her backless pink heels at the same time. We even get some nice bare sole shots for all the foot lovers out there! Enjoy every inch of this true beauty in nude pics and Full HD erotic video! Mira is our Model of the Day.

  • 00:05:30
  • Jun 26, 2013
  • 157


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