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innocent but seductive

Lina Napoli is our treat for the weekend, and with her soulful green eyes and her pleasure in shyly but thoroughly stripping and exploring her body, she’s going to linger in your mind and testes for days to cum!! She starts out wearing the cutest pink gingham top with a big bow in the front, so girlish that it’s an interesting contrast with her saucy blue denim short-shorts. She’s innocent and seductive all at once! She peels down to her blue thong and shows us her wet pussy, and her 34AA titties that are so firm and perky they don’t need a bra to stand up and get our completely entranced attention. Watch Lina get naked except for her pink slingback heels and a couple of pink bracelets, and prepare to squirt out a lot of cream because this lovely girl is going to rock your nuts and drain your dong! Even the slight cleft in her chin makes us horny, too, in this fine serving of true glamour porn.

  • 00:23:50
  • Jul 05, 2013
  • 214


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