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load of inspiration

Totti is an artist and Sheila Grant is his model today. Totti is not very disciplined, however, because no sooner has he made a few strokes on his canvas than he’s sniffing Sheila s shoes, then sucking her size 6.5 Hungarian toes. Totti lays back for some footjob action and Sheila surely delivers it, grasping his meat between her peds even when she still has one beige peep toe shoe on. But the second shoe quickly comes off, and Miss Grant soon has the painter’s prong between her French pedicured toes, stroking it up and down. We see the agility of her feet captured in a fetish XXX video complete with all the toe sucking and foot worship you could ask for. Totti is pretty much at the mercy of this minx as she rolls around on the bed and keeps his cock between her feet for lots of footjob fun, and of course she gets a big load of cream out of him, and plays with it, sucking it off her tootsies.

  • 00:20:40
  • Jul 05, 2013
  • 223


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