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Rita is a good housemaid, and tries to please her exacting employer Steve--whether it means keeping the glass table in his dining room spotless, or bending over so he can lift up the skirt of her frilly uniform to squeeze her cheeks as a prelude to his morning fellatio! And Rita is expert at the task of satisfying that humongous meat, which juts out in veiny fleshiness toward her face and which she absorbs into her mouth with dirty dedication indeed! Enjoy these sexy blowjob pix as Rita takes off her uniform to make herself comfortable for further sucking as Steve leans back in a chair while she throats him. Later she stretches out on the glass table and gives him some bravura ball licking before ultimately receiving his massive load of cum all over her tits, but saving the final tasty drops for her tongue!

  • 00:23:50
  • Jul 07, 2013
  • 288


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