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cocktail encounter

You’re staying in a hotel in an unfamiliar city, and you’re feeling horny. What to do? Well, as you try to figure out your social game plan, you tour the premises and find yourself on the rooftop close proximity to the gorgeous Sharon Lee! You’re in good form conversationally and soon enough she’s got her pretty mouth on your meat, taking you deeply into her face for cock sucking as she looks up with those sexy eyes. You love the way she wraps her hand around your boner with those perfectly manicured dark fingernails. Sharon really goes to town on your tool, licking your balls with a sensual joy. Getting out of her bikini so she’s totally comfortable, she adds a little cool flavor to your prick by pouring her cocktail over it, and then she gets back to enjoying your shaft and bringing forth for herself a creamy drink from its tip in this horny POV video that ends in a hot facial cumshot on her chin!!

  • 00:15:54
  • Jul 16, 2013
  • 252


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