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Lusty Romanian tit-queen Joanna Bliss is relaxing in the bath with her ginormous 36H knockers when she’s joined by the luscious Czech breast goddess Katerina Hartlova and her mouthwatering 34DDs. What a combination of outstandingly erotic talent and major boobage!! Whether the ladies are rubbing liquid soap on their racks or pressing their bells together as the water sways around them, they provide a feast for our balls--both the orbs in our heads, and the nuts in our briefs. The dolls feed their nipples to each other, and Katerina Hartlova in particular looks super-sexy lifting up Joanna’s jumbos to her lips and lapping at them with her tongue. Our DDF camera crew gets the smiling gals to lean over the side of the tub so their globes hang like planets over the edge, then they stand up so Joanna can squirt some lotion on Katerina Hartlova’s cantaloupes and they squish against each other until their gazongas gleam. Then Katerina Hartlova kneels in the tub under Joanna and holds up that heavy helping of hooters! There’s plenty of stimulating fun in this serving of big natural boobs in a Full HD video and nude pics!

  • 00:22:27
  • Jul 16, 2013
  • 274


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