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mouth over mams

Sandra Boobies washes her glorious bosom in a bubble bath, soaping her 36DDD/E shelf until it happily glistens before us. But to make her day complete, she has Mugur join her in the tub, taking his dick out from under his towel in her red-manicured fingers and directing it promptly between her soap-slickened mams and then into her ready mouth. She presses Mugur’s face into her cleavage, and then they play with the shower attachment as he rinses her rack and she rinses his rod in turn, before settling into some serious titty fuck and cock sucking action that earns her a big shipment of spume all over her jugs in these sexy blowjob pics! Lots of great shots of Sandra’s boobies are mixed in with hot footage of her considerable oral skills!

  • 00:18:51
  • Jul 25, 2013
  • 257


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