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sinful scarlet mood

From her red her red thong peeking out of her blue denim her red strappy heels, you can tell Viktoria Diamond is in a sinful scarlet mood when she hooks up with motorcycle-jacketed toughie Choky Ice. Foreplay is kept to a minimum so she can get down to what obsesses her: taking that huge cock out of his blue jeans and putting it into her sultry Hungarian face! Observe her skillful oral action as she clutches his nuts just under the sac and crams so much of his log into her gullet! And horniest of all, she watches us a lot of the time, gauging our reactions as we stare at her cock sucking antics in her sexy blowjob pics! She gets a little cunny licking herself, but for the most part it’s her fellatio show all the way as she treats Choky to ball licking and more deepthroat before earning a big facial cumshot!

  • 00:16:13
  • Jul 28, 2013
  • 221


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