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head for a hangover

Kid Jamaica sure has a good thing going in today’s scenario. He’s sleeping off a wild night of drinking when his girls come into the room to help him start the day right! True, his head might be thumping from a hangover, but he’s mightily consoled to have Madlin, Nasta Zya, and Kitty Cat to distract him from his headache with some head! Yes, head is the cure, better than “hair of the dog” as the phrase goes! As you will see in these sexy blowjob pics, the ladies go wild on his meat, eagerly filling their pretty faces with his long dark inches, giving him balls licking and enough cock sucking to satisfy ten men! Soon stripped out of their clothes and kneeling submissively at his feet, they open their mouths to receive his cream in lusty cum swap and facial cumshot action!

  • 00:31:24
  • Jul 31, 2013
  • 379


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