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cute blonde, blue towel

See todays title? Its a recipe for perfection. Tracy Gold from Hungary is in the bathroom sliding down her blue towel and giving us a delectable tease show with her slender but curvy 32A-23-33 form. And what a smile! Those blue eyes are so inviting as she looks over at us while showering, drenching her beautiful smooth pussy with the spray attachment. Then Tracy takes out a powder blue dildo and, her young and pretty body hungering for relief, fucks herself good with the toy as our DDF cameras capture incredible nude pics and a Full HD erotic video that youll be enjoying for a long time to come. When Tracy rinses her snatch after her orgasm, rubbing her slit with her red-polished fingernails, youll feel every squish and yearn to jump in with your tongue!

  • 00:13:54
  • Aug 11, 2013
  • 209


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