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mammary magic

Paige Delight from Great Britain and Dona Bell from Romania team up today, and they bring along a magic wand vibrator to add to the big breast sex fun in their Full HD video and nude pics. After we get a little cleavage teasing with the gals showing off their racks in pretty lacy bras, Paige works over Dona’s pussy with the throbbing toy as well as her tongue. Then Dona rubs the head of the vibrator on Paige’s 38Fs, before licking Miss Delight’s snatch at the same time the toy does its work on Paige’s clit. Paige returns the cunnilingus favors when Dona sits over her face, and we can see Paige’s boobs pancaking sexily as she lays back. Paige rubs the vibe on her nipples when Dona goes back to lapping at her snatch, then Dona moves up again to lick at Paige’s knockers. We get some nice views of those 38D Bell bells at the same time, as the ladies kiss and clinch on the bed tenderly, rubbing their boobs together as Paige cums on the vibe. At the end, the two ladies present their tits to us, four across and just awaiting our faces to dive in!!

  • 00:27:00
  • Aug 13, 2013
  • 208


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