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her own sweet time

Although you’re supposed to be at a party soon with your girlfriend Marina Visconti, she’s still in the bathroom and quite behind in her preparations. Well, a girl as gorgeous as Marina makes her own rules on her own sweet time, right? There she is, still in her long pink robe, and you can see her mouthwatering 34D titties shifting and jiggling, and so what the hell...that party can wait! Getting naked, Marina slides your meat into her mouth, so sexy underneath her grey eyes and long lashes, and then she takes your inches into her cleavage, which is still cool and fresh from her bath...damn, she’s really worshipping your cock with that skilled happy mouth of hers, smacking her lips at the taste of penis she so’re helpless as she leans you back so she can better lick your big dick up from the balls...and then soon you can’t help but give her a load in a wild facial cumshot that she so, so wants, and you so, so need!

  • 00:14:53
  • Aug 13, 2013
  • 283


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