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two hard things

“Oh dear,” thinks the pretty blonde to herself (played to perfection here by that Hungarian ultra-babe, Pamela), “my craving for penis is overcoming me again! Yes, I went out sexy and pink in my shorts and top today and yes, I’ve found what I woke up wanting...two guys who are going to give me the meat I need...not just one, but two guys...I want TWO hard things... “I take those long things in my hands while they suck on my tits, and then I kneel and fill my mouth with all the lovely stiffness...I’m glad I painted my nails last night, hot pink looks so good when I hold their big dicks and do my cock sucking... “You see, guys? I can do deepthroat...and I’m expert at balls licking too...don’t worry, I can take you both in my lips at the same time...I love how slutty I feel when a prick tip stretches the inside of my mouth...oh yes, yes, and give me your milk! I’m your milk maid, guys...I love facial cumshots, so don’t be shy...and maybe we can do this again, sometime soon?”

  • 00:16:38
  • Aug 14, 2013
  • 171


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