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the money shot

The whole package in the form of exotic Japanese-Brazilian Miyuki Son, with her blonde hair and almond-shaped green eyes, returns for a leg fetish casting in Pocahontas boots and Hello Kitty socks. Her beautiful lengthy stems are perfect for licking from the bottom of her 6 1/2 feet to the tops of her sexy thighs, just the way she likes it. Yes, Miyuki is no newcomer to the toe sucking world and she knows how to showcase her assets. Miyuki does a slow striptease and gives us the ultimate money shot when she peels out of her ultra short booty shorts with her ass to the camera bends down, nice natural titties hanging, and peeks through her legs. Check out more of this Latina babe s artillery, including her tattoos, soles of her feet, and pink petals that she spreads open for her amateur pics.

  • 00:11:37
  • Aug 15, 2013
  • 259


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