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pokes her posterior

If you like teasing blondes in tight black miniskirts that just show a hint of their cheeks at the hem, then hurry your eyeballs over to Kelly White today as this Romanian hot babe gives us a gander at the shape of her seat in that snug sheath, then quickly tugs it up to let us glom our lamps on the turquoise thong that just barely covers her crack. Kelly gives us a great ass show in this sizzling slice of glamour porn, leaning over a couch and tugging aside her panty so she can sink her finger into her sphincter in closeups so awesome you’ll feel like you’re right there and inhaling every lovely whiff of her ready-to-go asshole. But that’s not all--Kelly oils up her bottom and then gives us doggie poses that will get our loads simply bursting out of the gate!

  • 00:30:03
  • Aug 21, 2013
  • 162


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